Monday, 21 March 2011


Last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to go to not one, but two cricket matches. The first match was between St. Andrews and St. Johns, and the second was between two other residential colleges on campus. Students, dressed in their team's rugby shirts, sat on the grassy lawn to watch between classes. The game of cricket resembles American baseball in a lot of ways. There is a designated pitcher, catcher, and batter, whose goal is to hit the ball as far as he can in order to maximize his runs. However, there were also gleaming differences between the two sports. Instead of running around bases, the batter just runs back in forth, which is not very fun to watch in my opinion. I found cricket to be much less exciting than baseball, which is surprising since I find American baseball to be boring as well. A majority of the players just stood around and were not really involved in the action. I was impressed, therefore, that the player's friends were there to cheer their mates on during these otherwise uneventful games. I want to learn more about the rules of cricket so I can understand and therefore, hopefully enjoy the game more. I enjoyed watching the end of the matches when the fans surrounded the team in a huddle and sang their respected songs. The hats worn by the players were cool too! 

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